You are seeing a website. The webpage which you are currently viewing is very interesting. And thus you go for save page option but the web author has disabled the saving option.
In that case the user cannot save the data (data can be in any form. It may be simply text, tables ,lots of Hyperlinks, Images etc).
For this type of case only, the PrintScreen key comes into picture.
You press the PrintScreen key on the current webpage which you find it very interesting. Thus the current page is taken from the screen and saved in Clipboard.
In order to retrieve the current web page, the clipboard data which is referred as Scrap must be saved either in document file or as an image file.
PrintScreen key just takes the current webpage as image form only.
So go to any image editing or processing tool like MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe ImageReady or in that case any image editing software and paste the scrap image using Paste command (or) combination of keys(Ctrl + V for pasting).
PrintScreen key can be used with other keys for the combination. If PrintScreen key is simply pressed then (whole monitor screen is copied to image).
But when PrintScreen key is pressed along with Alt key then the window which is currently active is only copied and rest is left undisturbed.
Thus Alt + PrintScreen combination keys can be used as alternative for saving the webpages...
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